Obsidian - Why I love it#

The Setup#

  • Create a new folder labeled posts. This is where you will add your blog posts
  • ….that’s all you have to do
  • Actually…wait….find out where your Obsidian directories are. Right click your posts folder and choose show in system explorer
  • You’ll need this directory in upcoming steps.

!Image Description

Setting up Hugo#

Install Hugo#


Install Hugo#

Link: https://gohugo.io/installation/

Create a new site#

## Verify Hugo works
hugo version

## Create a new site 

hugo new site websitename
cd websitename

Download a Hugo Theme#

  • Find themes from this link: https://themes.gohugo.io/
    • follow the theme instructions on how to download. The BEST option is to install as a git submodule
## Initialize a git repository (Make sure you are in your Hugo website directory)

git init

## Set global username and email parameters for git

git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "your.email@example.com"

## Install a theme (we are installing the Terminal theme here). Once downloaded it should be in your Hugo themes folder
## Find a theme ---> https://themes.gohugo.io/

git submodule add -f https://github.com/panr/hugo-theme-terminal.git themes/terminal

Adjust Hugo settings#

  • Most themes you download will have an example configuration you can use. This is usually the best way to make sure Hugo works well and out of the box.
  • For the Terminal theme, they gave this example config below.
  • We will edit the hugo.toml file to make these changes. —-> nano hugo.toml (Linux/Mac) or notepad hugo.toml (Windows) or code hugo.toml (All platforms)
baseurl = "/"
languageCode = "en-us"
# Add it only if you keep the theme in the `themes` directory.
# Remove it if you use the theme as a remote Hugo Module.
theme = "terminal"
paginate = 5

  # dir name of your main content (default is `content/posts`).
  # the list of set content will show up on your index page (baseurl).
  contentTypeName = "posts"

  # if you set this to 0, only submenu trigger will be visible
  showMenuItems = 2

  # show selector to switch language
  showLanguageSelector = false

  # set theme to full screen width
  fullWidthTheme = false

  # center theme with default width
  centerTheme = false

  # if your resource directory contains an image called `cover.(jpg|png|webp)`,
  # then the file will be used as a cover automatically.
  # With this option you don't have to put the `cover` param in a front-matter.
  autoCover = true

  # set post to show the last updated
  # If you use git, you can set `enableGitInfo` to `true` and then post will automatically get the last updated
  showLastUpdated = false

  # Provide a string as a prefix for the last update date. By default, it looks like this: 2020-xx-xx [Updated: 2020-xx-xx] :: Author
  # updatedDatePrefix = "Updated"

  # whether to show a page's estimated reading time
  # readingTime = false # default

  # whether to show a table of contents
  # can be overridden in a page's front-matter
  # Toc = false # default

  # set title for the table of contents
  # can be overridden in a page's front-matter
  # TocTitle = "Table of Contents" # default

  # set Twitter handles for Twitter cards
  # see https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/optimize-with-cards/guides/getting-started#card-and-content-attribution
  # do not include @
  creator = ""
  site = ""

    languageName = "English"
    title = "Terminal"

      subtitle = "A simple, retro theme for Hugo"
      owner = ""
      keywords = ""
      copyright = ""
      menuMore = "Show more"
      readMore = "Read more"
      readOtherPosts = "Read other posts"
      newerPosts = "Newer posts"
      olderPosts = "Older posts"
      missingContentMessage = "Page not found..."
      missingBackButtonLabel = "Back to home page"
      minuteReadingTime = "min read"
      words = "words"

        logoText = "Terminal"
        logoHomeLink = "/"

          identifier = "about"
          name = "About"
          url = "/about"
          identifier = "showcase"
          name = "Showcase"
          url = "/showcase"

Test Hugo#

## Verify Hugo works with your theme by running this command

hugo server -t themename

Walking Through the Steps#

NOTE: There is a MEGA SCRIPT later in this blog that will do everything in one go.

Syncing Obsidian to Hugo#


robocopy sourcepath destination path /mir


rsync -av --delete "sourcepath" "destinationpath"

Add some frontmatter#

title: blogtitle
date: 2024-11-06
draft: false
  - tag1
  - tag2

Transfer Images from Obsidian to Hugo#


import os
import re
import shutil

# Paths (using raw strings to handle Windows backslashes correctly)
posts_dir = r"C:\Users\chuck\Documents\chuckblog\content\posts"
attachments_dir = r"C:\Users\chuck\Documents\my_second_brain\neotokos\Attachments"
static_images_dir = r"C:\Users\chuck\Documents\chuckblog\static\images"

# Step 1: Process each markdown file in the posts directory
for filename in os.listdir(posts_dir):
    if filename.endswith(".md"):
        filepath = os.path.join(posts_dir, filename)
        with open(filepath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
            content = file.read()
        # Step 2: Find all image links in the format ![Image Description](/images/Pasted%20image%20...%20.png)
        images = re.findall(r'\[\[([^]]*\.png)\]\]', content)
        # Step 3: Replace image links and ensure URLs are correctly formatted
        for image in images:
            # Prepare the Markdown-compatible link with %20 replacing spaces
            markdown_image = f"![Image Description](/images/{image.replace(' ', '%20')})"
            content = content.replace(f"[[{image}]]", markdown_image)
            # Step 4: Copy the image to the Hugo static/images directory if it exists
            image_source = os.path.join(attachments_dir, image)
            if os.path.exists(image_source):
                shutil.copy(image_source, static_images_dir)

        # Step 5: Write the updated content back to the markdown file
        with open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:

print("Markdown files processed and images copied successfully.")


import os
import re
import shutil

# Paths
posts_dir = "/Users/networkchuck/Documents/chuckblog/content/posts/"
attachments_dir = "/Users/networkchuck/Documents/neotokos/Attachments/"
static_images_dir = "/Users/networkchuck/Documents/chuckblog/static/images/"

# Step 1: Process each markdown file in the posts directory
for filename in os.listdir(posts_dir):
    if filename.endswith(".md"):
        filepath = os.path.join(posts_dir, filename)
        with open(filepath, "r") as file:
            content = file.read()
        # Step 2: Find all image links in the format ![Image Description](/images/Pasted%20image%20...%20.png)
        images = re.findall(r'\[\[([^]]*\.png)\]\]', content)
        # Step 3: Replace image links and ensure URLs are correctly formatted
        for image in images:
            # Prepare the Markdown-compatible link with %20 replacing spaces
            markdown_image = f"![Image Description](/images/{image.replace(' ', '%20')})"
            content = content.replace(f"[[{image}]]", markdown_image)
            # Step 4: Copy the image to the Hugo static/images directory if it exists
            image_source = os.path.join(attachments_dir, image)
            if os.path.exists(image_source):
                shutil.copy(image_source, static_images_dir)

        # Step 5: Write the updated content back to the markdown file
        with open(filepath, "w") as file:

print("Markdown files processed and images copied successfully.")

Setup GitHub#

  • Git yourself an account
  • Then create a repo

Authenticate yourself#

## Generate an SSH key (Mac/Linux/Windows)

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "your_email@example.com"

Push to GitHub#

# Step 8: Push the public folder to the hostinger branch using subtree split and force push
echo "Deploying to GitHub Hostinger..."
git subtree split --prefix public -b hostinger-deploy
git push origin hostinger-deploy:hostinger --force
git branch -D hostinger-deploy

The Mega Script#

Windows (Powershell)#

# PowerShell Script for Windows

# Set variables for Obsidian to Hugo copy
$sourcePath = "C:\Users\path\to\obsidian\posts"
$destinationPath = "C:\Users\path\to\hugo\posts"

# Set Github repo 
$myrepo = "reponame"

# Set error handling
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

# Change to the script's directory
$ScriptDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
Set-Location $ScriptDir

# Check for required commands
$requiredCommands = @('git', 'hugo')

# Check for Python command (python or python3)
if (Get-Command 'python' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
    $pythonCommand = 'python'
} elseif (Get-Command 'python3' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
    $pythonCommand = 'python3'
} else {
    Write-Error "Python is not installed or not in PATH."
    exit 1

foreach ($cmd in $requiredCommands) {
    if (-not (Get-Command $cmd -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        Write-Error "$cmd is not installed or not in PATH."
        exit 1

# Step 1: Check if Git is initialized, and initialize if necessary
if (-not (Test-Path ".git")) {
    Write-Host "Initializing Git repository..."
    git init
    git remote add origin $myrepo
} else {
    Write-Host "Git repository already initialized."
    $remotes = git remote
    if (-not ($remotes -contains 'origin')) {
        Write-Host "Adding remote origin..."
        git remote add origin $myrepo

# Step 2: Sync posts from Obsidian to Hugo content folder using Robocopy
Write-Host "Syncing posts from Obsidian..."

if (-not (Test-Path $sourcePath)) {
    Write-Error "Source path does not exist: $sourcePath"
    exit 1

if (-not (Test-Path $destinationPath)) {
    Write-Error "Destination path does not exist: $destinationPath"
    exit 1

# Use Robocopy to mirror the directories
$robocopyOptions = @('/MIR', '/Z', '/W:5', '/R:3')
$robocopyResult = robocopy $sourcePath $destinationPath @robocopyOptions

if ($LASTEXITCODE -ge 8) {
    Write-Error "Robocopy failed with exit code $LASTEXITCODE"
    exit 1

# Step 3: Process Markdown files with Python script to handle image links
Write-Host "Processing image links in Markdown files..."
if (-not (Test-Path "images.py")) {
    Write-Error "Python script images.py not found."
    exit 1

# Execute the Python script
try {
    & $pythonCommand images.py
} catch {
    Write-Error "Failed to process image links."
    exit 1

# Step 4: Build the Hugo site
Write-Host "Building the Hugo site..."
try {
} catch {
    Write-Error "Hugo build failed."
    exit 1

# Step 5: Add changes to Git
Write-Host "Staging changes for Git..."
$hasChanges = (git status --porcelain) -ne ""
if (-not $hasChanges) {
    Write-Host "No changes to stage."
} else {
    git add .

# Step 6: Commit changes with a dynamic message
$commitMessage = "New Blog Post on $(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')"
$hasStagedChanges = (git diff --cached --name-only) -ne ""
if (-not $hasStagedChanges) {
    Write-Host "No changes to commit."
} else {
    Write-Host "Committing changes..."
    git commit -m "$commitMessage"

# Step 7: Push all changes to the main branch
Write-Host "Deploying to GitHub Master..."
try {
    git push origin master
} catch {
    Write-Error "Failed to push to Master branch."
    exit 1

# Step 8: Push the public folder to the hostinger branch using subtree split and force push
Write-Host "Deploying to GitHub Hostinger..."

# Check if the temporary branch exists and delete it
$branchExists = git branch --list "hostinger-deploy"
if ($branchExists) {
    git branch -D hostinger-deploy

# Perform subtree split
try {
    git subtree split --prefix public -b hostinger-deploy
} catch {
    Write-Error "Subtree split failed."
    exit 1

# Push to hostinger branch with force
try {
    git push origin hostinger-deploy:hostinger --force
} catch {
    Write-Error "Failed to push to hostinger branch."
    git branch -D hostinger-deploy
    exit 1

# Delete the temporary branch
git branch -D hostinger-deploy

Write-Host "All done! Site synced, processed, committed, built, and deployed."

Linux/Mac (BASH)#

set -euo pipefail

# Change to the script's directory
SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"

# Set variables for Obsidian to Hugo copy

# Set GitHub Repo

# Check for required commands
for cmd in git rsync python3 hugo; do
    if ! command -v $cmd &> /dev/null; then
        echo "$cmd is not installed or not in PATH."
        exit 1

# Step 1: Check if Git is initialized, and initialize if necessary
if [ ! -d ".git" ]; then
    echo "Initializing Git repository..."
    git init
    git remote add origin $myrepo
    echo "Git repository already initialized."
    if ! git remote | grep -q 'origin'; then
        echo "Adding remote origin..."
        git remote add origin $myrepo

# Step 2: Sync posts from Obsidian to Hugo content folder using rsync
echo "Syncing posts from Obsidian..."

if [ ! -d "$sourcePath" ]; then
    echo "Source path does not exist: $sourcePath"
    exit 1

if [ ! -d "$destinationPath" ]; then
    echo "Destination path does not exist: $destinationPath"
    exit 1

rsync -av --delete "$sourcePath" "$destinationPath"

# Step 3: Process Markdown files with Python script to handle image links
echo "Processing image links in Markdown files..."
if [ ! -f "images.py" ]; then
    echo "Python script images.py not found."
    exit 1

if ! python3 images.py; then
    echo "Failed to process image links."
    exit 1

# Step 4: Build the Hugo site
echo "Building the Hugo site..."
if ! hugo; then
    echo "Hugo build failed."
    exit 1

# Step 5: Add changes to Git
echo "Staging changes for Git..."
if git diff --quiet && git diff --cached --quiet; then
    echo "No changes to stage."
    git add .

# Step 6: Commit changes with a dynamic message
commit_message="New Blog Post on $(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')"
if git diff --cached --quiet; then
    echo "No changes to commit."
    echo "Committing changes..."
    git commit -m "$commit_message"

# Step 7: Push all changes to the main branch
echo "Deploying to GitHub Main..."
if ! git push origin main; then
    echo "Failed to push to main branch."
    exit 1

# Step 8: Push the public folder to the hostinger branch using subtree split and force push
echo "Deploying to GitHub Hostinger..."
if git branch --list | grep -q 'hostinger-deploy'; then
    git branch -D hostinger-deploy

if ! git subtree split --prefix public -b hostinger-deploy; then
    echo "Subtree split failed."
    exit 1

if ! git push origin hostinger-deploy:hostinger --force; then
    echo "Failed to push to hostinger branch."
    git branch -D hostinger-deploy
    exit 1

git branch -D hostinger-deploy

echo "All done! Site synced, processed, committed, built, and deployed."